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Checklist for online promotion of keynotes

Whether or not you are hosting a public event or one within the company or organisation, it is important to promote it in order to ensure a good turnout. With some events of course it will be mandatory for employees or students for instance to attend but even in such cases everybody will benefit from knowing about the event beforehand.

It is important for you to consider what you wish to signal through your event. Are you trying to provide entertainment, to improve skills or knowledge base, to make a wonderful shared experience or something different altogether? Are you organizing a public event or something for the company or organisation? Are you going to sell tickets or not? Allow yourself a little extra time to send out invitations and marketing as well, be it online or offline. It would be such a shame to organise a top professional event that fails to attract people because they did not understand the value or attending.

This checklist can be useful for you if you are organising a public event and selling tickets:

Facebook – create an event where you can invite guests, promote and share messages. You can also choose make a private event if you wish to make something special of an internal company event

Newsletters and emails – still one of the most efficient ways to reach people and make them show up

Contact the venue which might also have a network

Ask partners to spread the word

Contact local media – print media, radio, interest organisations, social media

This blog is part of our free e-book 40 Tips for the Perfect Event