Nick Prefontaine
From a life-changing accident to a thriving keynote speaker, Nick Prefontaine inspires audiences to overcome trauma and achieve greatness.
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Nick Prefontaine, named a top motivational speaker of 2022 in Yahoo Finance, teaches the concepts of Vision, Mindset and Grit worldwide using his life-changing story as the backdrop for organizational success. He was once an avid snowboarder in high school whose life took an unexpected turn while snowboarding back to his car to retrieve his forgotten helmet. Hitting a patch of ice, he was involved in a serious crash which changed the course of his young live forever. Despite this setback, Nick refused to be held back by his cognitive and physical limitations and instead chose to focus on what he could do rather than what he couldn’t. He went on to become a successful real estate broker and investor, as well as an accomplished author and keynote speaker. As founder and CEO of Common Goal, Nick works to provide people with the support and tools to achieve their limitless potential through his unique and powerful S.T.E.P. system. Nick’s compelling story is one of perseverance, determination, and hope. He has overcome incredible odds to achieve success in both his personal and professional life, and he is now dedicated to helping others do the same. His S.T.E.P. program, which he gives away free after his talk, is designed to help people overcome adversity, push the limits of what is possible, and achieve their goals no matter what obstacles they may face along the way. Nick’s message is one of hope and encouragement. He speaks with passion and firmly believes that anyone can achieve success if they are willing to work hard, stay focused on their goals, and never give up. His story is an inspiration to all who hear it, and his message of perseverance and determination is one that everyone can benefit from. In conclusion, Nick Prefontaine is an inspirational speaker who has overcome incredible odds to achieve success in both his personal and professional life. His story of perseverance, determination, and hope is one that everyone can benefit from, and his step program is designed to help people overcome adversity, push the limits of what is possible, and achieve their goals no matter what obstacles they may face along the way
Bryan Thomas Pugh
Executive Director, Brain Injury Association of Maryland