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Future of Work Expert, Consultant and Best Selling Author, Cheryl Cran in action:

Cheryl Cran

travels from Canada

Award-winning strategic leadership expert, and future of work influencer

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Our keynote speaker Cheryl Cran is a leading  consultant and leadership coach with more than 20 years of consulting experience. Drawing on her exceptional insights, she provides her audiences with effective tools and advice in order to improve engagement, increase leadership abilities,  and has been named as a #1 future of work influencer.

Speaker Cheryl Cran is the founder of NextMapping™/NextMapping.com and the CEO of parent company Synthesis at Work Inc.

Recognized as the #1 Future of Work influencer by Onalytica, and author of 9 books including the 2nd edition of “NextMapping – Anticipate, Navigate & Create The Future of Work” with companion workbook.

Other book titles include “The Art of Change Leadership – Driving Transformation In a Fast-Paced World” (Wiley 2015), “101 Ways to Make Generations X, Y and Zoomers Happy at Work” (2010) and 4 other books on the ultimate leadership skills needed to be future of work ready.

Cheryl’s future of work thought leadership has been featured in publications such as Huff Post, Forbes, IABC Magazine, Law Magazine, Metro New York, Entrepreneur Magazine, Readers Digest, CBS Online, NBC Online, Fox Online and more.

For over two decades Cheryl has built a reputation for delivering extraordinary value to clients that include AT&T, Bell Mobility, Omnitel, Gartner, British Telcomm, Manulife, as well as mid-sized companies and entrepreneurs in industries that include technology, health, agriculture, finance, insurance and more.

NextMapping™ was developed as a proprietary business solution brand that encompasses all of Cheryl’s work and research on the future of work and the leadership needed to navigate change in the workplace. It’s time to not just hear about the future but to use NextMapping™ to get there! Technology in the workplace must be used to prepare for the future with a focus on how technology can enhance outcomes for people.

The common theme of all of Cheryl’s life’s work is a ‘people first’ and digital second approach to create a more human future, helping companies to build the leadership capacity needed to ‘change the world through business.

See keynotes with Cheryl Cran
Keynote by speaker Cheryl Cran

Leading Virtual Teams In A Fast Changing Workplace

Leading Virtual Teams In A Fast Changing Workplace
In 2020 companies have had to rapidly pivot and adjust to the major disruption of the pandemic.

Leaders have had to quickly shift their teams to work virtually and this quick shift has created challenges that include keeping teams engaged and productive.

Audience takeaways:

  • The new hybrid future of work reality and what it means for business
  • How leaders can increase team culture in a virtual team/ in office team reality
  • How to increase team motivation with half the teams working remotely
  • A change leadership model to help leaders coach their teams to greater productivity
  • How to leverage video/collaboration tools to increase team collaboration
Keynote by speaker Cheryl Cran

Navigating What’s Next in a Post Covid-19 Reality

No one predicted that a global pandemic in 2020 would upend the entire way we work and live.

What WAS predicted by futurists was a remote work reality, an automated reality and a new way of leading in the future of work.
The best way to predict the future is to focus on the now and look at patterns to look at ‘what’s next’. There is no going back to ’normal’ there is only preparing for and creating the future.

Audience takeaways:

  • A look into the future and ’next normal’ of work including hybrid work set ups
  • Case studies of companies who are shifting to ‘virtual’ workplace as their new normal
  • A model on how leaders and teams can change and adapt quickly to ongoing disruption and change
  • The top 5 skills needed by leaders and teams to increase agility and adaptability
  • How to leverage technology to maximize team communication and performance
  • How to use the PREDICT model to navigate what’s next for your business and industry
Keynote by speaker Cheryl Cran

Leading Change In a Post Covid Future - How To Deal With People Challenges in a WFH Reality

The pandemic has accelerated future of work realities such as increased work from home workers and the inherent challenges that come with remote work.

In the past workplace culture was handled based on in-person conversations, performance was measured on metrics as well as on team interactions.

Now and into the future workplace culture is about remote and how to engage with remote workers and how to succeed in remote teams.

In the past few months, our surveys have found that leaders are struggling with how to lead, engage and manage performance of their WFH workers.

Audience takeaways:

  • Research on how work has completely shifted the mentalities of workers due to remote and WFH reality
  • How the remote work reality has shifted perspectives on performance measurement
  • Why certain workers have adapted well to virtual work and others are struggling to juggle multiple challenges (mental health/childcare/working in a non-office environment)
  • How training has changed from in-office mentoring towards a structured learning plan
  • The emotional reality of the pandemic disruption and how to deal with changes in people leaving (honoring longtime workers who are leaving)
  • How to clearly articulate performance expectations throughout changing financial reality (budget/downsizing)
Keynote by speaker Cheryl Cran

The Future of Work Is Now- Are You Ready?

Employee engagement, creating future ready leaders, attracting and retaining top talent are all elements that are rapidly changing and impacting the way we work and how we need to change to meet the challenges of the future workplace today.

This keynote will provide researched global business insights, thought provoking, creative, leading edge ideas and strategies on how leaders can take immediate action to increase team buy in, adaptability and execution NOW as we head towards 2030.

  • A look at the trends and technologies shaping the future workplace today
  • Ideas for leaders and their teams to adapt their personality style and leadership style to the fast changing workplace
  • “How” to successfully work with and engage the multiple generations in the workplace
  • Insights into how leaders need to adapt to the ever-changing reality of worker attitudes and shifting attitudes on loyalty, job satisfaction and how work is done
  • Mindset model on how to navigate fast pace of change as we head to future of work
  • Research on the multiple intelligences needed to navigate the future of work
  • Case studies and examples of progressive companies and leaders on the leading edge of creating innovative future ready workplaces
  • Strategies on how to get everyone on board with the overall future vision, build excitement for the company’s direction and create commitment and buy-in to taking action today and for the future
Keynote by speaker Cheryl Cran

The Best Way to Create the Future is to Map It.

This future of work keynote provides insights into the future of work and strategies to proactively map the future as a leader. Dynamic ideas and creative approaches to help build future ready leadership that drives transformation towards the future of work.

  • Insights on the impact of AI and robotics on your industry locally and globally
  • A bi-modal model on how to leverage the best of what’s working now with data from future trends research
  • Case studies of organizations that have successfully mapped their future by being on top of trends and future of work
  • How to harness the ‘people first’ principle of future workplaces and a look at leaders who have leveraged technology to enable extraordinary value for clients and employee experience
  • A ‘what needs to change’ and ‘what will never change’ checklist to help prioritize strategic actions towards future of work
  • Inspiration, ideas and a ‘map’ of the future for self/teams/business that can be put into practical application right away
  • NextMapping™ model and steps to create your future for self/business
Key note by speaker Cheryl Cran

Future Ready Teams - How to Create Agile, Adaptable & Innovative Teams

This future of teams’ keynote provides dynamic insights into the future of teams and how team structure is morphing to meet the real-time disruptions and demands of fast changing world. Research shows that small teams with highly motivated and engaged individuals are able to innovate and execute very quickly. The impact on business with high performing teams is faster ideas to market, nimble solutions for client experience and ultimately competitive advantage.

  • The latest research on team dynamics needed for future of work
  • Statistics and data on the best future of work structure of a team, the best mix of personalities, aptitudes and more
  • Strategies for team members to build a ‘me to we’ future of work attitude
  • A mindset model on how to shift towards a ‘shared leadership’ team culture
  • Ideas on how to cross collaborate, break down silos and innovate across the business
  • How to create agile, adaptable and innovative teams
  • Inspiration and plans to ‘map out’ what’s next for your teams to be future of work ready
Watch speaker Cheryl Cran in action

TEDxVancouver - Cheryl Cran

See keynotes with Cheryl Cran


“Cheryl was our keynote speaker at the UVA Wise Economic Forum and she presented “The Future of Work is Now – Are You Ready?” The response from our audience included comments such as: “Fantastic and inspirational view of the future” “Loved the blend of practicality along with a push to help us be more innovative” “Phenomenal ideas on how we can innovate and increase real time creativity for future success” “Excellent research and statistics on the future of work and its relevance to both education and business” “Inspired by Cheryl Cran” We would definitely have Cheryl back to provide more insights on the future of work, innovation and change leadership.”


University Virginia at Wise

“Cheryl was our opening keynote speaker for our annual AGA National Leadership Training and she was phenomenal! Her keynote was titled, “The Art of Change Leadership – How to Flex in Flux” and her message was truly timely and of high value to our participants. We received overwhelming positive feedback from our group about Cheryl’s dynamic delivery style, the polling and Q&A interaction, and the survey she sent to participants to get to know her audience and customize her presentation. Cheryl’s opening keynote started our conference off with huge energy – we loved the videos and the music that got everyone excited for the rest of the day.”

J. Bruce, Director of Meetings

Association of Government Accountants

There is no better motivational speaker, generational psychology expert, and change leadership mentor than Cheryl Cran. Cheryl is totally credible, sincere, transparent, and endearing as she relates her life experiences to today’s business and work situations. I have no reservations in recommending her to any Fortune 100 company who is dealing with radical change in their workforce. The world would be a much better place if they followed Cheryl’s advice and recommendations on hope to relate to others and how to cope.”


President, Raytheon Employee Association

“At our annual staff event, Cheryl delivered an inspirational and informative keynote address on the future of work and its impact on us. She worked closely with us to customize her address to ensure it was meaningful and relevant to our staff. Cheryl’s talk was provocative and delivered with positive energy.”


Chief Executive Officer BC Pension Corporation

Being a guest on Diane’s show is truly a first-rate experience. Diane is a fabulous host, making the setting warm and conversational. I love her energy and enthusiasm, which made me want to lean in further to our discussion. I appreciate the passion we share around curiosity, leadership, and business and I know we could have continued the conversation for hours. Thank you, Diane, for creating high-quality work with fascinating guests that people look forward to listening to and learning from.

Kim Bohr

CEO at The Innovative Group Inc.

Interview with Cheryl Cran

What do you gain personally from being a keynote speaker?

I truly want to transform business through leadership and help businesses grow and thrive by helping leaders to lead in a way that engages and inspires others to work together for a common goal. Keynote speaking is an opportunity to provide energy, information, tools, new insights and some fun and I love the interaction with the audience. If I can provide one or two new ideas with a bunch of new insights then I feel like I have contributed on a big level. I love what I do.

What types of results do clients experience after your programmes and keynotes?

I have been keynoting for over 20 years and my testimonials from clients always say that my keynotes are eye opening, lots of good insights and tips, inspiring and practical ideas. People leave my keynotes with revived energy around their work and with practical ideas to go back and implement into their work right away.

Do you have a favourite experience from your speaking career?

I have so many – I have been blessed and honored to work with clients all over the world, my work in Italy was especially rewarding as well as the people that I get to meet and connect with globally. I love the overall experiences I have been able to have as a result of my speaking career.

What do you consider the biggest challenge facing businesses today?

Technology integration for optimal business while leading in a way that is evolutionary for business. Many companies are struggling with attracting and retaining top talent and it all comes back to leadership. Leaders need to ‘upgrade his or her operating system’ which includes thinking differently, leveraging technology and engaging people with more energy awareness.

Can you provide 3 tips for effective collaboration in multi-generational teams?

Generations intelligence is one component of being a master leader – I often share with my clients that there are multiple intelligences.

When it comes to the generations I would say that these tips are key:

  • Have a team session on the different perspectives that include different personalities and generations to increase awareness and appreciation of each other.
  • As an individual take the time to understand the values and approaches of each of the generations – often there is misunderstanding simply because of lack of awareness.
  • Communicate with a focus on the strengths and the gifts that each person on the team brings – often we focus on what the ‘differences’ are rather than what we have in common.

And a bonus tip – leverage technology to communicate with each other and use all forms of communication to increase success: face to face, email, instant messaging, texting, etc.

See keynotes with Cheryl Cran
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Keynote topics with Cheryl Cran