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Real-World Cyber Threats Unveiled

Graham Cluley

travels from UK

Discover the world of cybercrime through Graham Cluley's engaging storytelling and expert insights.

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5 out of 5 stars

Graham is a brilliant writer, security researcher, speaker and all-around cool guy. His knowledge of security is deep, but his style is highly accessible.

Alex Eckelberry, Technology CEO and investor See all references

Reasons to book Graham Cluley

  • As an industry-leading figure, Graham’s contributions to cybersecurity education and advocacy have earned him accolades such as Cybersecurity Educator of the Year and recognition as one of the World’s Top IT Security Influencers.
  • With numerous media appearances on prominent platforms like BBC News, CNN, and The New York Times, Graham has cemented his reputation as a globally recognized authority in cybersecurity, lending credibility to his insights and expertise.
  • As an industry-leading figure, Graham’s contributions to cybersecurity education and advocacy have earned him accolades such as Cybersecurity Educator of the Year and recognition as one of the World’s Top IT Security Influencers.
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Elevate your cybersecurity defenses with Graham Cluley, renowned industry authority and captivating keynote speaker. With a track record of award-winning expertise, Graham brings cybersecurity to life, offering practical insights, real-world solutions, and unparalleled storytelling. Book Graham now for an unforgettable experience that empowers your organization with the knowledge and tools to safeguard against cyber threats.

Reasons to book Graham Cluley

  • As an industry-leading figure, Graham’s contributions to cybersecurity education and advocacy have earned him accolades such as Cybersecurity Educator of the Year and recognition as one of the World’s Top IT Security Influencers.
  • With numerous media appearances on prominent platforms like BBC News, CNN, and The New York Times, Graham has cemented his reputation as a globally recognized authority in cybersecurity, lending credibility to his insights and expertise.
  • As an industry-leading figure, Graham’s contributions to cybersecurity education and advocacy have earned him accolades such as Cybersecurity Educator of the Year and recognition as one of the World’s Top IT Security Influencers.

Graham is a well-known and award-winning cybersecurity researcher, keynote speaker, podcaster, and writer. During the early 1990s, he wrote Dr Solomon’s Anti-Virus Toolkit, one of the world’s first anti-virus products for Windows, at a time when the cybersecurity industry was just beginning. He later worked in senior roles at major cybersecurity companies, Sophos and McAfee.

As a leading industry authority, Graham delivers keynote speeches at conferences around the world. His excellent public speaking skills are also utilised as an event moderator, awards ceremony host, and as an entertaining after-dinner speaker. His extensive experience allows him to bring cybersecurity to life. His keynote speeches are packed with extraordinary tales of real-world hacks, which offer unique insights and the kind of practical advice you won’t find in a textbook.

But Graham’s impact extends beyond the boardroom. His extensive media appearances, including BBC News and CNN, attest to his global influence and credibility. As a keynote speaker, Graham doesn’t just deliver presentations; he empowers audiences to take control of their cybersecurity destinies. Whether it’s educating employees on best practices or guiding executives through the complexities of cyber threats, Graham’s keynotes offer actionable advice tailored to your organization’s unique needs.

When you book Graham Cluley for your event, you’re not just investing in a speaker; you’re investing in your organization’s security and success. His ability to demystify cyber threats, coupled with his infectious humor and engaging delivery, makes him a sought-after speaker.

See keynotes with Graham Cluley
Keynote by Speaker Graham Cluley

It's Time to Take Passwords F+++ing Seriously

Computer security veteran Graham Cluley shares stories of how companies have found themselves in hot water because of security failures, and how stronger authentication and enterprise password management might have helped them secure themselves better.

Keynote by Speaker Graham Cluley

Not All Cybercriminals are Evil Geniuses

The media loves to present hackers as evil geniuses, but that’s often not the case. They may not be smart, and they may not be bad. Sometimes they may even be neither! The truth is that good people sometimes do bad things. And bad people sometimes do very dumb things.

Computer security veteran Graham Cluley will take you on a journey through some of dumb mistakes that malicious hackers have made which made it easy for them to be identified – the goofs, the screw-ups, and the basic failings which led to the authorities knocking on their door.

Keynote by Speaker Graham Cluley

Hot to Make a Billion Dollars Through Cybercrime

A sophisticated cybercrime gang is responsible for stealing over one billion dollars from banks and financial institutions around the world, targeting individuals involved in SEC filings. How did they do it? Who are the people behind the gang? And what can be done to protect against this and other attacks by sophisticated organised hacking gangs?

Computer security expert Graham Cluley offers practical insight on how financial firms are being targeted, and shines some light on mysterious and elusive global crime rings.

Keynote by Speaker Graham Cluley

Unbelievable Stories of Cyber Horror

Every day we read headlines of data breaches, hacks, and malware attacks. Often they’re identikit newspaper stories where you could easily just change the names of the companies involved and the number of customer records they have had stolen from them. But every now and then something extraordinary happens. Like the companies who pretended to be hacked when they hadn’t, or the attackers who went to extraordinary lengths to steal millions from their employers.

In this presentation, computer security veteran Graham Cluley shares some unbelievable tales of cyber attack.

Keynote by Speaker Graham Cluley

Three Threats that should be Keeping You Awake at Night

If you’re losing sleep over state-sponsored attackers you’re approaching things the wrong way. Yes, intelligence agencies are hacking some firms, but chances are that they’re not interested in yours. Financially-motivated hacks and frauds are on the rise because it has become so easy for attackers to steal large amounts of money. And there’s no need for criminals to know how to write malware to potentially steal millions from your business.

Graham Cluley describes the ways businesses are losing data and allowing fraudsters to steal sometimes vast amounts of money, and what you can do to reduce the chances of your firm being the next victim.

Keynote by Speaker Graham Cluley

Targeted Attacks

The glory days of mass-mailed malware, tricking users into believing they were opening a love letter or a photograph of Anna Kournikova are behind us. Today your company is at risk of being hit by carefully-crafted targeted attack, designed with your business in mind to maximise its potential for success.

Drawing upon examples like Sony, TalkTalk and Ashley Madison Graham Cluley describes the damage that can be done to corporations – not just through the theft of customer data and intellectual property, but also to a company’s brand image. Looking to the future, Graham Cluley discusses how all companies have to be aware that they are potentially fighting a new enemy online – the state-sponsored attacker.

Keynote by Speaker Graham Cluley

The Rise of Malware

From back bedrooms to boardrooms, Graham Cluley describes how viruses and trojan horses turned from a schoolboy prank into a threat which could steal secrets from governments, disrupt nuclear facilities in Iran, and even help secret agents assassinate their opponents.

Graham Cluley draws on his long history in the anti-virus industry to explain who the malware authors are, how the nature of the attacks are changing, and the steps that organisations need to take to prevent themselves from becoming the next victim.

Keynote by Speaker Graham Cluley

The Internet of Insecure Things

More and more household items are being connected to the internet, often with little thought regarding security. If not taken seriously, the threat could even be deadly.

In the last few months, we have all read headlines of how Jeeps have been remotely hacked while driving at 70mph down the motorway, giving attackers the potential ability to kill the brakes, or interfere with the steering. Meanwhile millions of vehicles have been recalled because vehicles are becoming the ultimate mobile device – computers that we sit in.

We wouldn’t dream of attaching a desktop computer to the internet without having security in place, so how come everything from internet-connected toothbrushes to smartphone-controlled washing machines and remote control thermostats are fine to plug in? The truth is that “smart” devices have the potential to be very very dumb when it comes to security.

Unlike PC and software vendors who have decades of computer security experience, the manufacturers of these new devices often have little in the way of expertise and yet could still be exposing us and our personal data to the threat of hackers. Graham Cluley describes the threat, and calls upon the manufacturers and developers to take the security of these devices more seriously.

Watch Graham Cluley in action!

Graham Cluley cybersecurity keynote speaker showreel

Watch Graham Cluley in action!

Beautiful People: The dating site that FAKED getting hacked by a virus called Shrek | Graham Cluley

Watch Graham Cluley in action!

Future-proofing enterprise cybersecurity for AI, vulnerabilities, and business risks" teaser

See keynotes with Graham Cluley


Graham is the best! Professional and knowledgeable — but best of all, a pleasure to work with and always willing to collaborate. If you’re looking for an industry thought leader to positively impact your event, Graham is your guy!

Sarah Himmel

Abnormal Security

Graham was masterful at engaging with the group in a mock game show format called evil or genius. His impressive industry credentials and experience also meant the group paid attention to the topic, which was not only hugely entertaining but also got across the key messages I wanted the group to take on board. Over a month later members of my team are still talking about Graham and his talk… My main challenge now is how to top this for next year’s event. Graham, you will be a tough act to follow.

Nigel Townley

Chief Technology Officer, UK Research and Innovation

Graham’s presentation went down a treat with our audience. We didn’t want someone to put up a 100-slide PowerPoint and go through the intricacies of cybersecurity, we wanted someone who would just be honest and give us the juicy stuff like who got hacked, how it happened, and why our audience should be making sure they are cyber secure. Graham gave a humourous, yet frighteningly accurate account of what hackers can do. I would highly recommend Graham for any event that needs a humourous and knowledgeable cybersecurity expert.

Kevin Rooney

Head of Marketing, MJ Flood Technology

Not only is Graham’s industry knowledge second to none, he was one of the most relaxed and professional chairman I have had the pleasure of working with. With an acute attention to detail, the ability to interact with a wide and diverse audience and a fantastic sense of humour, Graham is a chairman I would wholly recommend and will continue to work with in the future whenever possible.

Annabel Berry

CEO, Sapphire

Graham was the Keynote Speaker and Event Chairperson of the first annual “European Legal Security Forum”, produced by Netlaw Media. Graham was always my first choice of Chairperson for the event and his knowledge, humour and charm did not let me down. Graham is without doubt on the most knowledgeable experts in the world of IT Security and he comes with my full recommendation.

Darren Armstrong

Netlaw Media

An IT security version of Ben Goldacre.

Doug Woodburn

Deputy Editor, CRN

Graham is very knowledgeable. He has an incredible knack for making complicated security issues understandable and even entertaining to the general public.

Josh Long

Security & Network Specialist

Graham is a brilliant writer, security researcher, speaker and all-around cool guy. His knowledge of security is deep, but his style is highly accessible.

Alex Eckelberry

Technology CEO and investor

Graham’s knowledge of the IT security industry is quite frankly immense and his eloquent way of explaining it, unrivaled.

Claire Ayles

Co-Founder, Eleven Hundred Agency

Graham is the most knowledgeable person I’ve met when it comes to information security. What’s more, he’s equally compelling whether speaking to a room full of technical analysts or on the TV explaining things in a way my granny would understand.

Flora Haslam

Joint Managing Director, Johnson King

Interview with Graham Cluley

What got you interested in computer security?

When I was studying computing at college there were rumours about things called “viruses”.  No-one seemed sure if they really existed or not, or were an urban myth.  In fact, even Peter Norton once declared that they were as real as the alligators in the New York sewers… a few years before an anti-virus was launched bearing his name!

Around 1990 I joined an internet mailing list where I could see experts discussing the latest malware, and although I had never encountered a virus myself I found the topic fascinating.  Little did I know that within a couple of years I would be hired to write one of the very first anti-virus products for Windows.

What do you think is the biggest threat to computer security right now?

The biggest threat remains the same as it has always been, and probably always will be.  Human beings.  We’re all prone to making silly mistakes, clicking on the wrong link, or being duped by a carefully constructed scam. If only we could roll out a patch to the human brain as easily as we can install security patches on our computers.

How has internet crime changed since its early days?

The biggest change is in the scale of the problem.  When I started in the security industry 25+ years ago there were 200 new viruses every month.  Today there are 400,000 every 24 hours – that’s more than two every second.  Criminal gangs have embraced the internet, and are capable of stealing hundreds of millions of dollars from companies that don’t have adequate defences in place.

Meanwhile, state-sponsored cybercrime is a reality – with intelligence agencies using the internet to spy on their citizens and enemies, gathering information and launching attacks. What we’re witnessing is a conveyor belt of cybercrime, and unless firms and individuals get smarter it’s only going to get worse.

How are your keynote presentations unique?

I like people to have fun during my presentations, as that’s the best way to learn.  It’s all too easy to scare the willies out of people when it comes to hackers and the dark side of the internet, but there are also some illuminating and hilarious stories of how cybercriminals have screwed up, and been caught.  I like to think that I’m serious about what I’m doing, but not necessarily how I go about it.  If my talks help one person secure their business or home computer better then I feel like I’ve done a good day’s work.

See keynotes with Graham Cluley
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Graham Cluley
Graham Cluley

5 out of 5 stars

Graham is a brilliant writer, security researcher, speaker and all-around cool guy. His knowledge of security is deep, but his style is highly accessible.

Alex Eckelberry, Technology CEO and investor See all references

Keynote topics with Graham Cluley