Michelle Jewsbury inspires her listeners to overcome failure and break free from the cycle of abuse. She travels the globe to end domestic violence. After overcoming her own painful experience, she reaches out to women who are caught in a horrific cycle to show that there is a way out. In 2017, Michelle founded a nonprofit, which focuses on encouraging victims to speak up and break free. She's also published a deeply personal and inspirational memoir about overcoming her own domestic violence experience, entitled "But I Love Him".
Why select keynote speaker Michelle Jewsbury
- Audiences are inspired by Jewsbury’s inspirational, true story about overcoming the cycle of domestic violence.
- Her presentation encourages domestic violence victims to get out of the situation. Jewsbury provides practical tools and strategies for overcoming obstacles and challenges, which are applicable for a wide range of audiences.
- Jewsbury’s memoir, But I Love Him is a poignant but painful true story about how she escaped the cycle of domestic abuse. Encouraging others in the same predicament, she offers a free digital download of her memoir to those who text OBSTACLES at 267-86.
Author, philanthropist, and domestic abuse survivor Michelle Jewsbury captivates audiences with her story of overcoming the horrific cycle of abuse, which face many women. Her personal, heartfelt memoir, But I Love Him is an inspirational true story about how she overcame domestic violence.
In 2017, she founded Unsilenced Voices, a nonprofit focusing on encouraging women to face fear and speak out to break free from abuse. She has spoken at more than 250 events to share her own experience and offer motivation to those in need. Michelle creates moments of reflection and transformation, which leaves listeners inspired to create a new life experience.
Traveling across the globe to inspire audiences and encourage victims to break free, Jewsbury has committed her life to the cause by working with vital partners, fundraising, and speaking out to raise global awareness about domestic violence.
Her keynotes address women’s empowerment, trauma, narcissism, domestic violence, and international aid. Recognizing domestic violence as a global threat, Jewsbury offers a practical approach to inspiring change internationally. Unsilenced Voices’ mission is to build shelters for victims of abuse, and the organization works in Ghana and Sierre Leone offering medical, legal, and counseling assistance to victims. The nonprofit also provides services to victims in the Los Angeles area.
See keynotes with Michelle Jewsbury