5.00 of 5
Top rated!Oscar Chalupsky
5 of 5
Knowing Oscar and how he charges at the challenges thrown at him I was keen to see how he balanced his infamous confidence with this new challenge that I could not pretend to comprehend. I heard an Oscar that balanced the sheer force of his personality with a sense of humility and gratitude that was inspiring. The challenging humour levelled at his competitors was delivered with both a sense of his inimitable confidence and respect. The balance of wit and win was great and clearly paved the way for his biggest challenge ever. He made something that would have broken the best of us somehow uplifting and reassuring and that there are two ways to tackle seemingly insurmountable hardships… either throw in the towel or draw on all your inner strength and those close to you and stare it in the eye. That’s what Oscar did.
Dale Tomlinson
CEO The Hardy Boys