By lifting our gaze and taking a look at history, it is easy to see that what changes the world in the long term is not war and politics, but technology and inventions. The wheel, the printing press, the steam engine, and electricity have led to enormous changes that have lasted for centuries. And today, the major driving force for change is AI, the internet and digital technologies.
In this fascinating and inspiring lecture, Mats Lewan looks forward by looking back. He explains why technology and innovation have always driven change throughout history, and why digitalization and AI continue to do so. But just as Gutenberg's printing press could not imagine all the thoughts, ideas, stories, and histories that would flow through it, no other technology can understand how it will be used. Instead, it is we humans who make the world magical by dreaming, reflecting, being curious, desperate, hopeful, and loving.
Mats applies this insight to today's most advanced technologies, and explains why it is more important than ever to take advantage of our human values and abilities. And why today we have a particularly good reason to pay attention to what cannot be measured, and therefore cannot be digitized or automated. He also helps us look ahead and see what we can understand about the future, and how we can be part of shaping it.
What you will take away:
A deeper understanding of how technology, such as digitalization and AI, drives change
An explanation of the interplay between humans, technology, and the problems we want to solve
Insights into the role of humans and the importance of what cannot be measured
Practical advice on how to think in order to not feel threatened by the technology storm
An uplifting lecture with the opportunity for exchange of thoughts, ideas, and experiences
Inspiration and hope for the future