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Barton Goldenberg

travels from USA

Barton Goldenberg has given technology keynote addresses for 38 years. He is a riveting speaker that keeps his audience on the edge of their seats and challenges them to think critically.

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5 out of 5 stars

I have had the pleasure of knowing and working with Barton Goldenberg as a partner at Creatio. Barton for us is always associated as a leader and visionary in Metaverse, CRM, and XR. His deep understanding of immersive technologies and his ability to foresee future trends make him an invaluable asset for our company. As an author and a great believer in innovations, Barton always demonstrates thought leadership and a passion for pushing boundaries. His insights have not only shaped our strategies but have also inspired countless others to embrace the transformative power of CRM, No-Code, XR and the Metaverse. Barton's expertise, combined with his forward-thinking mindset positions him as a leading figure in the industry. I highly recommend him to anyone seeking a knowledgeable and innovative partner in navigating the rapidly evolving digital landscape.

Alex Donchuk Senior Vice President, Global Partnerships and Alliances at Creatio See all references
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Barton Goldenberg has been giving keynote addresses for 38 years, which has earned him a reputation as a dynamic speaker on a global scale. His astute observations and story-telling keep audiences on the edge of their seats and challenges them to think critically.

Why you should book speaker Barton Goldenberg

  • Barton customizes each keynote to ensure a tight fit with the client’s needs
  • He has a funny presentation style that keeps audiences engaged
  • He describes leading technologies and technology trends in plain English
  • He provides ‘live’ case studies of how other companies currently leverage technology to transform themselves and their industry
  • Audiences learn a multi-step approach to successfully integrate technology into their business

When Barton gives a speech at an event, not only does he keep his audience engaged, but they also walk away feeling more knowledgeable. His funny presentation style and real-world case studies have made him a standout speaker at events like the Consumer Electronics Show, Augmented World Expo, Dreamforce, the Gartner 360 Customer Summit, Microsoft, CRM Evolution, and Acxiom, among many others.

During each event, Barton works closely with the client as a partner to make sure that it goes off without a hitch. Barton’s groundbreaking work in the areas of the Metaverse/Virtual world, digital transformation, and customer engagement addresses today’s digital disruption head-on and is crucial for a company’s survival.

Barton has applied his wealth of knowledge and thought leadership to clients such as Chase Bank, ExxonMobil, Jaguar Land Rover, Johnson Controls, Kraft Heinz, Marriott, Nike, Schlumberger, T. Rowe Price, U.S. Department of Defense, Zumba Fitness, and many more. Barton’s three most popular keynotes are: ‘These Emerging Technologies Will Change How You Conduct Business’, ‘How the Metaverse Will Change Everything’, and ‘Digital Customer Communities Connect You 24/7 With Your Customers’.

See keynotes with Barton Goldenberg
Keynote by speaker Barton Goldenberg

These Emerging Technologies Will Change How You Conduct Business

About half the S&P Fortune 500 companies are forecasted to be replaced in the next decade because of technology disruption. The fall can be swift and painful – just ask Blockbusters how quickly Netflix drove them into bankruptcy.

Technology disruption occurs in every successful industry. You must transform to stay in the game. Technology helps you transform. While mastering these technologies may seem daunting, the consequences of not doing so are dire. Every one of today’s technology disruptors – Apple, Netflix, Amazon, Google, Tesla, Airbnb, and Cisco – stay ahead of the competition by leveraging technology to successfully transform themselves and their industry.

Audience Takeaways:

In his riveting new keynote, Barton will:

  • Describe the top 8 emerging technologies: AI/ML, IoT, 5G, Blockchain, Quantum computing, Digital Communities, Metaverse (VR/AR/MR), and No-Code platforms.
  • Share case studies of how companies are leveraging these technologies to stay one step ahead of their competition.
  • Walk participants through a proven, 6-step approach to successfully integrate these technologies into your business.

Benefits of Inviting Barton as Your Keynote Speaker:

  • Barton will describe the top 8 emerging technology disruptors in plain English.
  • You will learn why leveraging these technologies are so important for your organization’s long-term survival.
  • You will hear how other companies are already leveraging these technologies to transform themselves and their industry.
  • You will receive a proven, 6-step to integrate these technologies into your business.
Keynote by speaker Barton Goldenberg

How the Metaverse Will Change Everything

You may not know it, but the biggest tech battle of this century so far is about to begin. The Metaverse will change everything, and the biggest tech companies in the world are all in. Are you?

Barton Goldenberg, globally respected and influential author, keynote speaker, and futurist announces his new keynote: “How the Metaverse Will Change Everything”. With 70% of all brands forecasted to be present in the Metaverse by 2027, to remain competitive every organization needs to understand what is the Metaverse and what are the opportunities it presents for your organization. While readying your organization’s entry into the Metaverse may seem daunting, the consequences of being late to the party or missing the party altogether are dire – just ask Blockbusters, Borders, or Xerox.

In his riveting new keynote, Barton will:

  • Provide an overview of what the Metaverse is all about and why it will change everything.
  • Show how best-in-class companies (e.g., e.g., Acura, Adidas, Fidelity, Gap, Gucci, IKEA, Lockheed Martin, Mayo Clinic, Nike, P&G, U of Pennsylvania) currently leverage the Metaverse to grow sales, market more effectively, decrease customer and field service costs, and improve training retention.
  • Walk participants through a proven, 8-step approach to successfully do business in the Metaverse.

Benefits of Inviting Barton as Your Keynote Speaker:

  • Barton puts the Metaverse in plain English
  • You will learn why the Metaverse is so important for your organization’s long-term survival
  • You will hear how other companies are prospering in the Metaverse today
  • You will receive a proven, 8-step approach to successfully do business in the Metaverse.
Keynote by speaker Barton Goldenberg

Digital Customer Communities Connect You & Your Customers 24/7

Companies are increasingly leveraging private, Digital Customer Communities to foster customer engagement. Think of these communities as a virtual meeting place for your customers. Building your Digital Customer Community drives Voice of Customer into every customer decision you make, increases customer satisfaction and loyalty, provides superior customer support, helps nurture leads that shorten the sales cycle, and grows sales (40-70% of community customers surveyed buy more products).

Barton Goldenberg, globally respected and influential author, keynote speaker, and futurist announces his new keynote: “Digital Communities Connect You & Your Customers 24/7.”  In his riveting new keynote, Barton will describe the components of your Digital Customer Community:

  • A digital lounge where customers meet for a virtual drink, exchange peer-to-peer stories, resolve service or technical issues, ‘Ask the Expert’ questions, take surveys, complete polls, and participate in forums.
  • Digital conference rooms, e.g., your technical conference room, your customer service conference room, your employee-only conference room that customers and employees come in and out of to discuss matters, resolve issues, receive training, and more.
  • Private customer rooms where you meet with your customers one-on-one to create your annual sales or technical plans, review these plans on a quarterly basis, and introduce them to subject matter experts and others to deepen the relationship.

This keynote builds on Barton’s experience since 2011 of building and/or maintaining Digital Customer Communities for ExxonMobil, Kraft-Heinz, AAA, and others.

Benefits of Inviting Barton as Your Keynote Speaker:

  • Discover how best-in-class companies worldwide benefit from Digital Customer Communities, e.g., enhanced customer engagement, superior customer support, better lead nurturing, and two-way dialog with customers.
  • Hear real-time case studies of successful Digital Customer Communities and why customers love them.
  • Learn an 8-step process to build your successful, Digital Customer Community.
Speaker Barton Goldenberg

Catch Barton in action!

Watch Speaker Barton Goldenberg in action!

The Metaverse - Digital Disruptor

Watch Speaker Barton Goldenberg in action!

Disruptive Technologies

See keynotes with Barton Goldenberg


There are presentations and then there are moments of discovery and inspiration like we had during your Metaverse presentation. In an audience of baby boomers, Gen X, Millennials, and a few scattered Gen Zs, you grabbed their attention and never lost it. The emotional impact of your presentation was unlike anything I have seen. Even at the end, rarely do we experience such enthusiasm during the Q&A session that follows a presentation. It was as if each attendee saw a picture of their future in the Metaverse and were reacting in awe, concern, excitement, and a few “Oh My God” moments.

Ronald K. Wills

President, National Association of Business Owners & Entrepreneurs (NABOE)

Barton’s Digital Disruptor keynote was an impressive presentation of relevant knowledge and digital trends. His enthusiasm and energy are contagious, and he is always capable of catching and keeping the audiences’ attention.

Katherine Kostereva

CEO, Creatio

I have had the pleasure of knowing and working with Barton Goldenberg as a partner at Creatio. Barton for us is always associated as a leader and visionary in Metaverse, CRM, and XR. His deep understanding of immersive technologies and his ability to foresee future trends make him an invaluable asset for our company. As an author and a great believer in innovations, Barton always demonstrates thought leadership and a passion for pushing boundaries. His insights have not only shaped our strategies but have also inspired countless others to embrace the transformative power of CRM, No-Code, XR and the Metaverse. Barton's expertise, combined with his forward-thinking mindset positions him as a leading figure in the industry. I highly recommend him to anyone seeking a knowledgeable and innovative partner in navigating the rapidly evolving digital landscape.

Alex Donchuk

Senior Vice President | Global Partnerships and Alliances, Creatio
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Barton Goldenberg
Barton Goldenberg

5 out of 5 stars

I have had the pleasure of knowing and working with Barton Goldenberg as a partner at Creatio. Barton for us is always associated as a leader and visionary in Metaverse, CRM, and XR. His deep understanding of immersive technologies and his ability to foresee future trends make him an invaluable asset for our company. As an author and a great believer in innovations, Barton always demonstrates thought leadership and a passion for pushing boundaries. His insights have not only shaped our strategies but have also inspired countless others to embrace the transformative power of CRM, No-Code, XR and the Metaverse. Barton's expertise, combined with his forward-thinking mindset positions him as a leading figure in the industry. I highly recommend him to anyone seeking a knowledgeable and innovative partner in navigating the rapidly evolving digital landscape.

Alex Donchuk Senior Vice President, Global Partnerships and Alliances at Creatio See all references

Keynote topics with Barton Goldenberg