Kate Davis delivers powerful, humor-infused keynotes that equip organizations with strategies to foster joy and resilience in the workplace.
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Thank you for an amazing presentation on Tuesday! When can most people say that they spent more than 3 hours laughing and learning? Rochester has a reputation as a conservative, dare I say "stodgy" place. You single-handedly took a wrecking ball to that! You've set the bar incredibly high for future presenters.
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About Kate
Keynote Speaker Kate Davis is a distinguished name in motivational speaking, celebrated for her unparalleled ability to harness humor to drive organizational success. As a motivational speaker, she brings a unique blend of comedic brilliance and insightful wisdom, drawing from her extensive background as a comedian, writer, and actress. Her keynotes are more than just performances—they are transformative experiences designed to address and resolve common workplace challenges.
Why Laughter Means Business in the Digital Age
It’s never been easier to communicate and never been harder to connect. Between emails, virtual meetings, slack, social media, it’s no wonder that burnout, stress and loneliness are at all-time highs, and trust is at an all-time low. Instead of hiring the latest strategic communications firm, or spending countless hours learning how to train AI bots to communicate for you, what if you could learn a few simple and easy tools to implement immediately that would drive connection and results?
Research shows that laughter and levity are some of the most powerful ways to build meaningful connections, increase trust, reduce stress, and enhance employee engagement and performance. In this engaging and enlightening keynote, veteran comedian Kate Davis demystifies what makes us laugh and provides practical techniques for using humor to truly make an impression whether it’s with clients, customers, co-workers, family, or friends.
Audiences will leave with takeaways including:
This keynote is good for any group that wants to empower their teams to improve their culture, grow sales, grow customers, or anyone who wants to improve their connections and most importantly anyone who wants to LAUGH!
We’re Jugglers and the 1st Ball to Drop is Usually Our Own
The world is becoming more volatile, finding balance between our jobs, home, relationships with family, friends and co-workers can be challenging and overwhelming both in the workplace and home leading to stress, fatigue and low productivity.mSo, we stretch in every direction trying to satisfy and take care of everyone but ourselves. What if there was a simple way to bring more balance into our lives that didn’t require over extending ourselves, our resources, and helped us be more present in our lives.
Humour can do just that.
Grounded in 2 decades of research and development this award-winning comic, teaches people how to lighten up and the power that humour and levity have on their day-to-day lives to create more Balance, stability and self-care.
Audiences will leave with takeaways including:
It’s not about the next best joke it’s about lightening up and not taking ourselves so seriously and bring that to every area of our lives. People, who attend Kate’s “Balancing Life with Humor” Keynote, leave with an understanding of practical techniques for refueling, rediscovering, and reengaging their true selves. Learning to use humour as an instrument of communication creates an atmosphere of compassion, caring, and increased productivity.
Kate’s Keynote “Out of My Mind…Back In Five” explores techniques of managing our mental health and gives practical ways of staying healthy and positive even through the toughest times. Kate’s inspiring, humorous and sometimes touching stories takes us on a journey about resilience and perseverance. How she found comedy and how it helped her discover self-worth, confidence and to fight the negativity in her own mind that was keeping her from living the life she deserved.
“Back In Five” explores the way we feel about ourselves and others, as well as our ability to manage our feelings and deal with everyday difficulties both at work and home.
From practical methods like how mindfulness can help us achieve self-awareness that has to power to affect all areas of our lives in a positive manner. Learning one-minute stress strategies that you can do at the office or home or breaking up the monotony with Rejuvenation 101 (That’s a long list). To the methods available to us for taking charge of our own mental health including: How we think about ourselves, being grateful, being in the present, sleep, diet, exercise to name a few. All these methods can ultimately boost our mood, build resilience and add to our overall enjoyment of life. Audiences leave this keynote with the feeling that knowledge is power and that we all play a role in our mental health.
Your Leisure Time Should not be Folding Laundry
This lecture/workshop gives parents, caregivers, educators, social service providers the tools to help defuse the chaos and stress of their lives through humour. Kate helps them to remember themselves, accept where they are and not feeling guilty about where they are not. It combines stand-up comedy with practical techniques to raise children.
“Fun cancels out stress and brings everyone into the moment.” This is the recipe for a healthy relationship when it comes to raising our children. Everything changes when we become parents, I think the show “Survivor” shouldn’t take place on an island but a new parents’ home. It’s challenging not losing yourself in the process but with a few techniques likes being more playful and using your intuition life can be more joyful and relaxing.
Discover the different ways that men and women deal with stress, techniques of dealing with sibling fighting and how to truly take care of yourself so you are able to be more present to the life you are living now.
This lecture blends techniques of improvisation, visualization and affirmations. Parenting is a great lesson in letting go. You give birth, you let go. You nurse, you stop, you let go. They start school you, let go. They move out, you let go. That lesson of “Letting Go” is way easier with you in tacked.
Thank you for an amazing presentation on Tuesday! When can most people say that they spent more than 3 hours laughing and learning? Rochester has a reputation as a conservative, dare I say "stodgy" place. You single-handedly took a wrecking ball to that! You've set the bar incredibly high for future presenters.
Don Waltzer
I cannot thank you enough for taking the time to be with us and present at the HRCC Conference. Your presentation was nothing short of OUTSTANDING!! The energy in the room was pulpable, we could feel the positive vibes emanating off one another. Your keynote was the perfect way to kick off our conference, and it is exactly what we all needed after a 3 year hiatus from in-person gatherings. You made a lasting impression on everyone, and I am still receiving the most positive feedback from your session. You are HILARIOUS, truly! It was our pleasure having you join us. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!!
Lisa Schneider
During her session, Kate's unique blend of humor and insight provided a refreshing perspective that was much needed for our team, which had been facing significant challenges. Her ability to lighten the mood and make us laugh enabled us to see our circumstances in a new light, reducing stress and fostering a more positive and balanced outlook. Kate emphasized the importance of maintaining a balanced perspective, both professionally and personally. Her strategies for incorporating humor into our daily routines were not only practical but also impactful. The positive effects of her presentation have been evident in our team dynamics and individual well-being. Kate has made a positive impact on our team. Her session was not just informative but transformative, and we are grateful for the valuable lessons she imparted. I highly recommend Kate to any organization looking to enhance their team's resilience and overall outlook through the power of humor.
Caroline Prévost
Kate, I wanted to thank you for the very informative and entertaining presentation this morning. I love the idea of “using fun to bring everyone into the moment”, and reducing stress so that people bring their best selves to business challenges. I was also absolutely amazed at your ability to sail through some brutal (and embarrassing on our part) audiovisual challenges throughout the presentation. Those distractions would have derailed many a speaker, but you made a few jokes and got right back on with the presentation like nothing happened. I’m taking the “handout” home to read cover to cover with my spouse tonight (who is a facilitator and executive coach by profession), and can’t wait for the next opportunity to hear you present. Thank you again!
Matt Vines
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