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Inspiring keynotes containing valuable knowledge on buyer behavior and marketing

Shawna Suckow

travels from USA

Buyer behavior expert and marketing futurist helping businesses understand the dynamic ever-changing buyer landscape

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Keynote speaker Shawna Suckow is an expert in customer behavior and technology and has been in the business for 20 years. Now, she travels the world to help businesses understand the dynamic ever-changing buyer landscape and adapt to future changes.

Why you should book Shawna Suckow for your next event

  • She is an internationally acclaimed speaker who has presented in 17 countries on five continents.
  • Shawna Suckow is a recipient of the 2020 Iconic Woman award from the global Women’s Economic Forum
  • She is a Certified Speaking Professional (CSP) – the highest designation a speaker can earn (like a ‘Masters’ in speaking)

Shawna Suckow, CSP (Certified Speaking Professional), CVP (Certified Virtual Presenter), CMP (Certified Meeting Professional), is a speaker with some serious knowledge of the customer mindset. She was a corporate buyer for 20 years. In 2008, she founded an association of senior-level buyers which now has 2,500 members across North America.

Along the way, Shawna became intrigued with how customers of all kinds were evolving and  responding (or ignoring!) to different sales & marketing efforts. She began sharing this insider information to audiences to pull back the curtain, so to speak. She realized that when these professionals had the up-to the-minute understanding of their customers’ mindsets, they could break
through the noise more effectively. Shawna has shared her research on 5 continents in 17 countries, using real case studies and data interpreted with candor and humor. Her mission is to help audiences understand the ever-evolving customer landscape – now more than ever.

Shawna’s fifth book, due in early 2021, is Third Wave: New Sales & Marketing Strategies for a Post-Pandemic Marketplace. She’s been tracking the major shifts in consumer behavior that will impact us all as we determine how to market and sell in the Next Normal.

What she’s proud of: Honors include achieving the highest designation a speaker can earn (CSP©) – earned by less than 5% of speakers worldwide, Receiving the Iconic Woman award from the global Women’s Economic Forum in 2020, and managing not to gain weight during quarantine.
Three memorable things about Shawna: she played in the World Series of Poker Main Event in 2015. She’s so good at parallel parking, she should get a trophy. Due to a freak badminton injury, she now wears one contact lens.

See keynotes with Shawna Suckow
Keynote by Shawna Suckow

The New Brand Mosaic©

Every company likes to put forth a solid brand image, but the post-pandemic truth is that your customers and prospects no longer want to see you that way. Distrust of organizations is at an all-time high, so to appeal to today’s evolving B2B and B2C customers, successful brands of all sizes understand a new truth: you are now a composite of all the personal brands of your employees. A Brand Mosaic©.

Every employee now is part of the Brand Mosaic© the humanized brand your prospects are seeking. Empowering your employees (and your customers!) to tell their stories adds to the richness of your brand mosaic, and helps you stand out amongst all the noise. Furthermore, embracing every individual’s personal brand and telling their stories makes them feel part of a collective mission—something especially important to younger generations for job satisfaction. You’ll no longer be seen as an impersonal corporate brand to your employees OR your customers; rather, you’ll be a more memorable, likeable, trustworthy group of individuals on a collective mission to help your customers succeed.


  • Experience real case studies from businesses that created a successful Brand Mosaic© on all types of budgets.
  • Discover easy ways to capture and share your employees’ and customers’ personal brand stories.
  • Learn what’s NOT working, so you can repurpose valuable time and resources toward this critically important initiative.
Keynote by Shawna Suckow

CHANGE is not a Four-Letter Word!

Did you ever think you’d be nostalgic for 2019? It’s no wonder we all long for a return to normalcy (whatever that means!) after these past two years of upheaval. There’s never been such a condensed period of change in our lifetime, and it’s been heaped upon us nonstop. When we can’t get off the crazy rollercoaster, humans enter the well-known fight-or-flight-or-freeze mode. Well, Covid has been a rollercoaster more challenging than most of us have ever experienced, and the outcome is uncertain. What many don’t realize is that humans don’t deal well with constant uncertainty. That means we’re all under more stress than we realize.

The good news is that change does not have to equal challenge! It can be truly great if we can get into the right headspace and harness our circumstances. In this session, Shawna shares real-life stories of everyday people who have conquered change and come out the other side more resilient and happier. You’ll also do a self-assessment to measure your CTQ© – Change Tolerance Quotient. You can use your CTQ to understand and master your personalized approach to uncertainty.


  • Understand what change does to the human mindset
  • Get clarity on your own tolerance for uncertainty through your personalized CTQ© assessment
  • Discover how to harness uncertainty for greater resilience and success.
Keynote by Shawna Suckow

How to Be More Memorable in Marketing Today

There’s never been a time where our culture has been more saturated with marketing messages from every angle, every minute of the day. Our prospects have also evolved in their buying habits throughout the pandemic. Translation: there’s never been a more challenging time to get their attention.

Your prospective customers have grown savvier about blocking and ignoring what they deem to be irrelevant messaging, and they’re flooded with options from your competition regularly. On a larger scale, consumer distrust of organizations also is at an all-time high. What’s a business to do?

How can you break through this cluttered landscape to get the attention of your desired audience? How can you become more memorable, so they think of YOUR business above all other options when they’re ready to buy? Join Shawna in this eye-opening session that will leave you will fresh ideas to address your marketing challenges.


  • Learn why significant shifts in consumer behavior mean the most memorable one wins – not the one with the biggest budget.
  • Experience real case studies from businesses that created successful marketing campaigns on all types of budgets.
  • Learn what’s working, and what’s NOT, so you can re-purpose valuable resources more effectively.
Keynote by Shawna Suckow


How to Market & Sell Better in the Post-Pandemic Decade

Welcome to the most disruptive business climate we’ve ever experienced. The pandemic threw the entire world into a tailspin, but we’re emerging now and everything looks different in this new light. There’s a lot of confusion and noise out there about what the marketplace will look like as we continue to move forward. How will you shift your strategy, your tools, and your processes to meet the quickly evolving demands of this accelerated and different marketplace? How will you position yourself for the Roaring Twenties?

It’s going to be an amazing decade full of promise, but it requires a new approach. We need a keen understanding of our customers and how they’re making decisions differently now. How can you influence the customer journey in this transformational decade? One thing is certain: new messaging and tools are key.

Join buyer behavior expert Shawna Suckow, CSP, CVP, CMP, as she shares her latest findings on where we are, and what’s next. It’s not just data though; she’ll share case studies to give you the relevant steps you can take NOW.


  • Learn how your customers have evolved as a result or the pandemic, and what you need to do to adapt.
  • Gain up-to-the-minute insight into the best ways to connect with prospects of all kinds.
  • Time is of the essence! Discover what tools are working right now to break through the noise and stand out.
Keynote by Shawna Suckow


Let’s face it, the world is full of social and political upheaval, financial volatility, the effects of the pandemic, and other issues that challenge our resilience every day. We’ve all been through a lot, and we’re exhausted. How about we take a break from that for a hot minute and rise above the noise? Let’s close this conference with some good news, some great conversations, and some action steps toward our future success and resilience. Sound good?

Join Shawna Suckow as she recaps the highlights of the conference. She’ll then lead us in small-group discussions where you’re guaranteed to get new inspiration, share some of your own brilliance, brainstorm current challenges, have a few laughs, and walk away with new connections. You’ll also create action steps and accountability to put your best conference takeaways to work in the upcoming year. She’ll then close the session with a self-assessment to ensure that every day throughout the next year is the best it can be under your own circumstances – whatever they may be. You’ll face the next 12 months with more resilience and confidence. Put your conference investment to work – don’t miss this!

NOTE TO PLANNER: This is a very interactive session that defies the traditional keynote. It places your audience into small groups to put their conference objectives (and your conference investment) to use. This session is the antidote for business-as-usual! They’ll laugh, ponder, share goals, and commit to action steps. Together, they’ll hold each other accountable to achieve their future goals, whether personal or professional. If you want your conference to have a measurable lasting impact wrapped in laughter, strategy, and an inspirational story, this session is for you.


  • Get clarity on your takeaways from the conference, and what you want to achieve as a result of attending. Make sure your time & investment in the conference is purposeful!
  • Assess your true priorities for the next 12 months so you can focus more on what you really want.
  • Strengthen your resilience amidst challenges and change.
Keynote by Shawna Suckow


There’s a lot at stake for businesses today. Coming out of the pandemic, we’re now approaching a recession amidst the biggest shift in consumer behavior in history. They’ve changed their attention patterns, personal habits, and buying preferences. Consumers don’t respond to traditional marketing or advertising methods anymore, and 90% distrust businesses. What can you do to stay relevant amidst budget cuts during a time of swift market changes?

Join Shawna as she shares the insider secrets from her best-selling book (Don’t Become Extinct! Join the Sales Evolution), based on extensive consumer research. She’ll show you exactly how you can repurpose resources and shift thinking to stand out above all the noise. You and your company will be more likeable, trustworthy, and memorable, so more customers choose you and rave about you to others. This session will position you better for the immediate future, as well as prepare you for coming shifts. You’ll learn new ways to use old tools that will keep you relevant and competitive.


  • Discover strategies that will keep you relevant well into the future (when many businesses will go extinct!).
  • Experience the latest tools and actionable strategies that will help you alleviate fears of customers hesitant to buy during a recession.
  • Learn from Shawna’s latest research: what types of marketing actually work today to get their attention, build credibility, and establish trust (it’s not what you think!).
Watch Shawna Suckow in action

Hire Speaker Shawna Suckow - The Buyer Insider for your next Sales & Marketing Meeting

Watch Shawna Suckow in action

Motivational keynote speaker Shawna Suckow discusses the economy at an HVAC industry conference.

Watch Shawna Suckow in action

How to Market and Sell More to Today's Buyers by speaker Shawna Suckow

See keynotes with Shawna Suckow

Interview with Shawna Suckow

What advice do you have for someone who struggles to understand and adapt to change?
I saw a great quote just yesterday that sums it up perfectly: “Continuous improvement is better than delayed perfection.” – Anon. I think people sometimes struggle with change because they fear the unknown, and fear it won’t be ideal. I tell them to approach change in baby steps if they’re afraid, but definitaly move forward. Staying put, staying safe means staying stagnant while everything and everyone around you progresses.

Who or what inspires you most?
I love risk-takers like Elon Musk and Richard Branson. They leap first, and figure out how to land on the way down! Great progress comes with embracing risk and empowering those around you to come along for a great ride!

How do audiences gain from your keynote presentations?
My style is very conversational and my insider information on buyer behavior inspires people to try new things to prospect better, and to embrace authenticity. 

Do you have a favorite experience from your speaking career?
The first time I spoke in Cambodia, we had a “snowball fight” with crumbled-up pieces of paper. They had a blast, and each piece of paper had a question that later inspired great conversations. I feel like I brought a piece of snowy Minnesota (my home state) half-way around the world.

How are your keynote presentations unique?
I’m the only sales speaker who spent over 20 years as a million-dollar buyer, so my insider information can’t be found anywhere else. I combine that with my down-to-earth, comfortable, conversational style. I’ve been told it’s like getting advice from a friend.

How much does humor factor into your keynotes and other speaking engagements?
I have to use humor – it’s part of who I am. I laugh at myself a lot, and share funny case studies all the time. Humor increases retention, which leads to change. 

See keynotes with Shawna Suckow
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Keynote topics with Shawna Suckow