5.00 of 5
Top rated!Diane Nathaniel
5 of 5
Diane was great in her enthusiasm and readiness to jump in and help!
Dana Mansell
Obesity Medicine Association
5.00 of 5
Top rated!5 of 5
Diane was great in her enthusiasm and readiness to jump in and help!
Dana Mansell
Obesity Medicine Association
5 of 5
Diane was great in her enthusiasm and readiness to jump in and help!
Dana Mansell Obesity Medicine Association
Diane Nathaniel
5 of 5
Diane was lovely. She provided a heartfelt and impactful keynote.
Morgan Riese Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center
Diane Nathaniel
5 of 5
Diane was very compelling and held the crowds attention the whole time. People were highly engaged and felt a connection with her story.
Mackenzie BNP Paribas
Diane Nathaniel
Watch Diane Nathaniel in action
Watch Diane Nathaniel in action
Watch Diane Nathaniel in action