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Motivating keynotes on mental health in the workplace

Mary Ann Baynton

Mary Ann Baynton

travels from Canada

Founder and executive director of Mindful Employer Canada and workplace relations specialist improving workplace well-being

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Keynote speaker Mary Ann Baynton is a consultant with vast experience improving workplace well-being. She is a chair in the technical committee that developed the first standard guidelines in Canada for employers to establish a management system that prevents psychological harm to employees.

Keynote speaker Mary Ann Baynton is passionate about improving the life of employees in the workplace. For over a decade, Mary Ann has been program director of Great-West Life Centre for Mental Health in the Workplace which provides free, practical ideas, tools and resources to help with the prevention, intervention and management of workplace mental health issues. She is the founder and executive director of Mindful Employer Canada, a not-for-profit social enterprise which promotes awareness of the impact employers have on the mental health of others in the workplace. In addition, she is principal at Mary Ann Baynton and Associates, where she provides interventions, consulting, and training with clients such as governments, organizations and unions that wish to improve or address issues related to workplace mental health.

Our speaker Mary Ann Baynton has achieved much in her career, for example she is a chair in technical committee that developed the National Standard of Canada on Psychological Health and Safety in the Workplace, which guides employers nationwide in how to establish a management system that prevents psychological harm to employees.

Mary Ann Baynton is also the accomplished author of “Resolving Workplace Issues”, “Keeping Well at Work” and “Mindful Manager”. She is also co-author with Dr. Martin Shain of Preventing Workplace Meltdown: An employer’s guide to providing a psychologically safe workplace and co-author with Leanne Fournier on The Evolution of Workplace Mental Health in Canada: Toward psychological health and safety.

See keynotes with Mary Ann Baynton

    Keynote by Speaker Mary Ann Baynton

    Workplace mental health

    • Identifying those who may be struggling and having a conversation that focuses on the work while supporting them to reach out for other resources

    Keynote by Speaker Mary Ann Baynton

    Accommodation of mental disabilities

    • Helping someone to remain a productive and contributing team member in spite of a mental illness

    Keynote by Speaker Mary Ann Baynton

    Return to work and productivity planning when mental health is a factor

    • Thinking about the reaction of co-workers and addressing any behavioural or performance issues

    Keynote by Speaker Mary Ann Baynton

    Supportive performance management, even when mental health is a factor 

    • Understanding how important it is to support good performance when someone is living with depression or anxiety related disorders

    Keynote by Speaker Mary Ann Baynton

    A unique approach to conflict resolution

    • This approach reduces the humiliation and shame associated with traditional approaches and actually results in changed behaviours of both parties. It also includes a next steps to resolve any future issues effectively.

    Keynote by Speaker Mary Ann Baynton

    Building stronger teams

    • Practical and work-focused team meeting discussions that are based on practice and evidence that builds resilience and cohesion among members. These discussions are 15 to 30 minutes each and are meant to be added to existing team meetings on an ongoing basis. In the session we talk about how and why they work and try out a few. A free resource is provided for participants.

    Keynote by Speaker Mary Ann Baynton

    Resolving team dysfunction

    • A unique approach that engages the team in developing their own set of guidelines for how they choose to interact and how they will hold each other accountable.

    Keynote by Speaker Mary Ann Baynton

    Psychological health and safety in the workplace

    • Explaining what this is, why it is beneficial for the bottom line, and how to get your organization started towards improving it in your workplace.

    Keynote by Speaker Mary Ann Baynton

    The evolution of workplace mental health in Canada

    • Based on the book of the same name, the session tracks the “perfect storm” of government, clinicians, advocacy groups, corporations and people living and working with mental illness coming together. The “winds of change” led to a different way of looking at mental health, mental illness and the responsibility of employers to do no harm to psychological safety of employees.

    Keynote by Speaker Mary Ann Baynton


    • Preventing burnout and traumatic stress – understanding what resilience is and how to develop it.

    Keynote by Speaker Mary Ann Baynton

    Preventing suicide

    • Rather than waiting to intervene when someone is already suicidal there are now ways to build skills that would actually make it less likely that someone would choose suicide as an option.
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Keynote topics with Mary Ann Baynton